The sledge is unpacked and the equipment is ferried across piece by piece. Everything is going according to plan until the sledge itself is brought over the gorge. Dyce is steering it, taking great pains to keep it in the centre of the narrow bridge, when suddenly the two lead Kanu-dogs slip and fall into the gorge. They hang helplessly in their harnesses, howling and kicking at the air. Dyce frantically pulls on the reins to try to prevent the others from falling as well, but his efforts are in vain. One by one, the other four dogs are pulled from the bridge by the increasing weight of those below.
‘Jump, Dyce, jump!’ screams Irian, as the last dog plummets into the void. Dyce leaps clear just as the sledge topples into the gorge, but he lands on the narrowest section of ice and loses his footing.
‘Help me, help me!’ he cries, his fingers clawing at the slippery ice.
If you wish to attempt to save Dyce, turn to 19.
If you feel there is no way you can save him, turn to 257.