The gale gradually drops, the air clears, and the Viad Glacier is revealed in all its splendour. The even surface of ice crystals look like a carpet of snow glittering with gems of every hue—yellow, violet, blue, green, orange, and crimson; yet the crystals are of such brilliance, they would put any jewel in the shade. The ice wall rises over eight hundred feet and for the main part it is a smooth but very steep climb. Although the weather is fine, it takes the best part of a day to climb the glacier’s edge. All of the equipment has to be unloaded and taken to the top of the glacier where it is repacked onto the sledges. The Kanu-dogs do hardly anything but fight, and your food is so shaken up in the climb that a gruesome mush is all that remains of it.
By the end you are exhausted. With daylight fading fast, you decide to pitch camp in the shelter of a natural ice bowl, and settle down to a much deserved night’s rest.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–6, turn to 85.
If the number you have picked is 7–9, turn to 300.