Through the snow-swept gloom you can make out two small pinpoints of red light. They are growing larger. Suddenly, in the gloom you see the shape of a large and hideous, four-legged creature. It leaps at you, its red eyes glowering and its fanged mouth open to reveal a long barbed tongue, lashing towards your face.
‘Agh! A Kalkoth!’ screams Fenor. He rushes to your side, holding a sword high in his hand. He attempts to strike at the creature’s tongue. But the creature is already upon you, and you must fight it.
In spite of Fenor’s attack the beast only seems to be interested in you. Fenor does not receive any wounds as he stabs at it from behind.
Deduct an additional 3 ENDURANCE points from the Kalkoth’s ENDURANCE point total for each round of combat you fight. This represents the damage inflicted by Fenor.
If you lose any ENDURANCE points during this combat, turn immediately to 129.
If you kill the creature without losing any ENDURANCE points, turn to 70.