It is the father’s turn to ask a riddle, but firstly you must decide on your stake. You can choose to gamble either one Special Item or three Backpack Items. If you should fail to answer the riddle correctly you will forfeit the item (or items) you have staked. If you answer the riddle correctly you will win the chance to pick any two items from the father’s hoard of valuables. On your Action Chart mark the item or items that you wish to stake.
A hush descends as you wait for the riddle patiently. The father, whose name is Khmar, draws his dagger from its scabbard and lays it on the table. Then he rests his hand on the shoulder of his eldest son and says, ‘This dagger is now half as old as my son Loen was when the dagger was new. Loen is now fifteen years old. How old is the dagger?’
If you think you can answer the riddle, turn to the entry number that is the same as the answer.6
If you cannot answer the riddle, turn to 204.