The Prisoners of Time


The speed and determination of your attack takes your adversary by surprise. Before he can scoop the Lorestones into a small velvet sack hanging from his sword belt, you strike a blow that causes him to back away hastily. An intoxicating rush of energy washes over your body as you step within a few feet of the Lorestones, but this charge momentarily numbs your reflexes, leaving you unprepared for your enemy’s response. He unsheathes a curvy-bladed sword and launches a flurry of blows aimed at your head, forcing you to duck and retreat to avoid instant decapitation. He takes this opportunity to stoop down and drop the Lorestones in the sack before springing forward, like a big cat, to continue the fight.

Scarlet Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 29   ENDURANCE 38

If you reduce his ENDURANCE to 20 points or less, do not continue the combat but turn instead to 306.

If you kill him before his ENDURANCE falls to 20 (that is, if you score an ‘automatically killed’ result on the Combat Results Table), turn to 123.

Project AonThe Prisoners of Time