Breathless and bleeding, the warrior evades your skilful attacks by leaping for the rope ladder and holding fast. From there he shouts a command and the giant black bird takes to the air, lifting him off the roof. A wave of panic engulfs you. In desperation you leap up and strike a blow at the velvet sack swinging from his belt. He tries to fend off your attack but his position is precarious. Your blow strikes home, slitting open the velvet and gashing deep into the back of his gloved hand. He drops his sword and one of the two Lorestones tumbles from the sack and falls into the graveyard below, coming to rest close to the door of the Sepulchre. Yet he manages to save the second Lorestone from falling and, with a parting curse, you watch as he is lifted above the trees and carried away into the cold, grey sky.