The Prisoners of Time


From a gold-capped leather tube Lorkon produces a map of the Nahgoth which details the location of his encampment, the burial grounds of Tolakos, and the last known position of the Chaos-master’s horde. The scale is measured in leagues but you are able to calculate that Tolakos lies only ten miles from Lorkon’s camp. A curvy red line has been drawn diagonally across the map to show where scouts last sighted the Chaos-master’s troops, and this line passes dangerously close to the burial grounds.

‘You must leave as soon as possible if you are to be sure of reaching Tolakos before it is claimed by the enemy,’ says Lorkon, pointing to the bold red line. ‘This was drawn three hours ago. If the Chaos-master decides to advance, he is within eight hours’ march of the burial grounds. This means that in only the next five hours can you be sure to find Tolakos unoccupied. I intend to march my army forward and hold Tolakos but I await reinforcements and I dare not move until they arrive. Therefore I will provide you with a scout who knows the area well. He will guide you to your destination—the rest is up to you.’

Lorkon sends for the scout, a Meledorian called Odel. When he arrives he suggests that you visit the equipment tent before setting off through the forest.

If you wish to take this opportunity to select some new equipment before venturing to Tolakos, turn to 267.

If you wish to start your journey without delay, turn to 121.

Project AonThe Prisoners of Time