The Plague Lords of Ruel


With a sudden rush, the leading five Vazhag fall upon you, hacking and stabbing with rust-dulled weapons. Expertly you feint and parry their attacks, and then answer their assault with such mind-numbing speed and accuracy that it is as if all five have been dispatched with one solitary blow. Their sudden deaths cool their comrades’ courage and, as the horde retreat nervously, you seize your chance and escape through the portal.

A few yards along the passage you happen upon a lever protruding from a grating in the floor. Instinct prompts you to pull it, and at once the great iron door descends to crush the wagon and seal off the lava-lit cavern. Safe now from the wrath of the rat-men, you explore this new tunnel in the hope of finding your way back to the surface.

The passage continues eastwards for several miles and, with the exception of an occasional Vazhag sentry, it is virtually deserted. At length you arrive at the entrance to another hall, smaller than the lava-cavern but equally as crowded. Daylight streams into this hall through a large archway guarded by armoured Vazhag, and pairs of horny-skinned war-dogs which they hold on the leash. Beyond the archway you can see a track which disappears towards a distant ridge of hills.

Directly above the archway, a thin ray of sunlight comes streaming through a window-like hole in the rock. Sorely aware that the main entrance is so heavily guarded that it will be very difficult, even for someone as gifted as yourself, to escape that way undetected, you resolve instead to escape by means of the smaller opening in the rock wall.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have chosen.

If your total score is now 5 or less, turn to 192.

If it is 6 or more, turn to 346.

Project AonThe Plague Lords of Ruel