The Darke Crusade


As you step away from the dead guards, you hear shouts of alarm outside the building: the roof of the stables has just erupted into a sheet of flame. The garrison is thrown into a state of near-panic as it tries to fight the fire and contain the horses which are stampeding through the streets.

You run the length of the armoury and hurriedly lift the massive drawbar which holds the main doors closed. Outside, you see the perimeter guards are abandoning their posts in order to fight the fire now raging through the stables. The Lencians are on their feet. They are grouped by the entrance to the compound and, as the last of the guards leaves, they rush forward and barge open the gates. Led by the captain, they come streaming across the flagstoned square towards the armoury, sweeping aside any Drakkarim foolish enough to try to turn this vengeful tide. With a cheer they pour into the armoury and equip themselves with weapons from its many racks of spears and swords.

‘Let’s take this town!’ shouts the captain, and amid stirring battle-cries of ‘Lencia’ and ‘For the House of Sarnac’, the starving Lencians set off to obey his command.

You try to reach the captain, whose name you learn is Schera, but before you reach him you are swept out into the street and carried along by this crowd of battle-hungry soldiers.

Turn to 39.

Project AonThe Darke Crusade