The Legacy of Vashna


The horse refuses to approach the trees so you dismount and tether him to a boulder before investigating the wooded gully on foot. Beyond the perimeter of trees you discover a clearing where a score of shallow graves are clustered in a circle. You scrape away some of the stones and earth from the nearest grave and uncover the corpse of a man clad in mouldering red robes. A black hood trimmed with skeletal insignia identifies him to have once been an Acolyte of Vashna. He and his brothers were attacked, robbed, and murdered by the brigands when they passed this way some weeks earlier. This clearing is where they disposed of the bodies.

If you wish to search the robes of this corpse, turn to 199.

If you wish to leave this crude graveyard and return to the trail, turn to 156.

Project AonThe Legacy of Vashna