Dawn of the Dragons


Gradually the wounded dragon yields his ground. He twists his head violently back and forth, as if he is trying to cast away the pain; then slowly he turns his back on you and lumbers towards his herd.

You seize this opportunity to make a dash for the Shadow Gate. However, the wraith-like manifestation of Naar senses your intention and sends his Lavas swooping down to block your path. Hurriedly they form up in a line at the entrance to the Shadow Gate, forcing you to fight or retreat. Knowing that they block your only means of escaping from this nightmare realm, you draw your weapon and hurl yourself against them in a frenzied attempt to break through their line.5


If you win the combat, turn to 145.

[5] If you possess the Sommerswerd, Section 98 suggests that you may be able to add 4 to your COMBAT SKILL when using it in the Plane of Darkness (in addition to all other combat bonuses for this Special Item).

Project AonDawn of the Dragons