The Curse of Naar


You insert the Gold Crown into the triangular slot and instantly you are assailed by another blinding flash of white light, but one far stronger than the first. A blistering wave of pain engulfs your hand and arm and you are thrown into the air by this explosive release of energy: lose 6 ENDURANCE points.

Cursing your poor judgement, you stagger to your feet and cradle your twice-injured arm. When function fully returns to your burnt and aching hand, you take a third coin from your pouch and press it into the circular slot. It falls into a hollow inside the base of the door and, with a grating squeal, the great portal slowly swings open.

Remember to erase 2 Gold Crowns from your Action Chart before going on with your quest.

To continue, turn to 343.

Project AonThe Curse of Naar