The Fall of Blood Mountain


The Drodarin War-thanes twirl their battle-helms upon the muzzles of their muskets and cheer loudly as you reach the barricade. They are in jubilant mood after six days of siege, for they believe that the retreat of their enemy from around the throne chamber signals the end of their long ordeal. Prince Torfan offers you his hand and helps lift you over the wall, and then he asks after his brother Leomin. You answer with a shake of your bowed head.


Torfan is saddened by the news of the loss of his brother, but as you accompany him into the throne chamber, he is greatly comforted to hear that you owe him your life.

‘Without your brother’s brave sacrifice, Shom’zaa would have slain us both,’ you tell him.

‘He has paid a grave price for his foolishness,’ says Torfan, wistfully, ‘but he has died with honour. He will not be forgotten.’

The healing rays of the Throne of Andarin restore 5 ENDURANCE points. However, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

To continue, turn to 178.

Project AonThe Fall of Blood Mountain