The Caverns of Kalte


The equipment is quickly unpacked and distributed among you. Your share is enough food for 3 Meals, Sleeping Furs, and a Rope. Remember to mark these on your Action Chart, and note that Sleeping Furs take up the same amount of room as two normal items in your Backpack.

You cannot take the Kanu-dogs with you across the mountains, and you are forced to abandon them here with the sledges. A rope is secured to each person and you set off towards a narrow pass between the dark and sullen peaks. At first, the climb is quite easy; but soon the smooth ice becomes steep and difficult to cross. A wind rises that piles drifts of loose snow against the broken ice, and visibility is quickly reduced to a few yards. The drifts are deceptive and often deep. On two occasions, you sink up to your chest and have to be dug out by the others.

That night, the tent is erected on a table of ice-covered granite overhanging a deep ravine. You are exhausted and almost fall asleep over your evening Meal. (Remember to deduct this Meal from your Action Chart.)

‘Do you understand any of the Ice Barbarian language?’ asks Dyce, trying to stimulate conversation. ‘Myjavik is one of the few Ice Barbarian words I know.’

When you ask him what it means, he pauses before answering you. ‘Terror … “Myjavik” means terror.’

Suddenly there is a tremendous noise outside the tent. It sounds like the roar of a large animal.

If you wish to draw your weapon and investigate the noise, turn to 180.

If you prefer to hold your breath and keep as still as possible, turn to 259.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte