You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and instantly you feel yourself rise up out of the mud and soar into the humid air. You bring yourself to a halt twenty feet above the muddy river shore; then you look down at the predatory arachnids that are now gathered directly below. They stare up at you in silence, their scarlet-rimmed eyes blinking rapidly as they patiently wait for you to return to the river.
If you have attained the Kai rank of Grand Crown or higher, turn to 246.
If you have not yet attained this level of Kai rank but you do possess a Rope, turn to 111.
If you have not yet attained this level of Kai rank and do not possess a Rope, but you do possess a Bow, turn to 271.
If you have yet to attain this level of Kai rank and possess neither of these items, turn instead to 30.