We have taken our unique opportunity to correct errors and to enforce a standard of English usage. We list our changes here. If you see anything that needs correction, please contact the Project Aon Staff.
(Title) Replaced ‘MYDNIGHT’S HERO’ with ‘Mydnight’s Hero’. Replaced ‘Sheasu—‘the Isle of Lost heroes’.’ with ‘Sheasu—‘the Isle of Lost Heroes’.’.
(The Story so Far … ) Replaced ‘MS5075’ with ‘MS 5070’. Replaced ‘Kai monastery’ with ‘Kai Monastery’. Replaced ‘freestate’ with ‘Freeland’. Replaced ‘monastery of the Kai’ with ‘Monastery of the Kai’. Replaced ‘world of Sommerlund’ with ‘world of Magnamund’. Replaced ‘gods of Good’ with ‘Gods of Good’. Replaced ‘southern-most’ with ‘southernmost’. Replaced ‘Cloud Dancer’ with ‘Cloud-dancer’. Replaced ‘Supreme Lone Wolf’ with ‘Supreme Master Lone Wolf’. Replaced ‘most-talented’ with ‘most talented’. Replaced ‘Dessi capital’ with ‘Dessian capital’. Replaced ‘mists and’ with ‘mists, and’. Replaced ‘flora and’ with ‘flora, and’. Replaced ‘Dessi consulate’ with ‘Dessian consulate’. Replaced ‘the baron’ with ‘the Baron’. Replaced ‘Magician’s Guild’ with ‘Magicians’ Guild’. Replaced ‘have also pledged their’ with ‘has also pledged its’. Replaced ‘despatched’ with ‘dispatched’. Replaced ‘constitution of Siyen’ with ‘Constitution of Siyen’. Replaced ‘Korlinium’ with ‘korlinium’. Replaced ‘kingdom of Siyen’ with ‘Kingdom of Siyen’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Darklord armies’ with ‘Darkland armies’. Replaced ‘King’s army’ with ‘King’s Army’. Replaced ‘the agent of’ with ‘an agent of’. Replaced ‘the First Order of the Kai were almost’ with ‘the First Order of the Kai was almost’. Replaced ‘MS5083’ with ‘MS 5083’. Replaced ‘MS5063’ with ‘MS 5063’. Replaced ‘MS5077’ with ‘MS 5077’.
(The Game Rules) Removed ‘that you will find in the front of this book. For ease of use, and for further adventuring, it is recommended that you photocopy these pages’. Removed ‘on the last page of this book’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’. Replaced ‘fall to zero’ with ‘fall to zero or below’. Replaced ‘fall to zero’ with ‘fall to zero or below’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘weapons and’ with ‘weapons, and’. Replaced ‘Book 22’ with ‘Book 23’. Replaced ‘normal weapons’ with ‘normal Weapons’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’. Replaced ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’.
(Your Kai Name) Replaced ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Removed ‘You can record your personal Kai name on the book plate which appears on the inside front cover of this book.’.
(New Order Disciplines) Replaced ‘venoms and’ with ‘venoms, and’. Replaced ‘symbols and’ with ‘symbols, and’. Replaced ‘gases and’ with ‘gases, and’. Replaced ‘honour and’ with ‘honour, and’. Replaced ‘Four Disciplines’ with ‘four Disciplines’. Replaced ‘COMBAT SKILL is reduced’ with ‘ENDURANCE is reduced’. Replaced ‘Grand masters’ with ‘Grand Masters’. Replaced ‘Old Kingdom battle magic’ with ‘Old Kingdom battle-magic’. Replaced ‘magi-magic spells’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spells’. Replaced ‘Moon and’ with ‘Moon, and’. Replaced ‘individual (or combinations of) elements that are available,’ with ‘individual elements that are available, or combinations thereof,’. Replaced ‘remove or’ with ‘remove, or’. Replaced ‘eg’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘multitalented’ with ‘multi-talented’. Replaced ‘dialect and’ with ‘dialect, and’. Replaced ‘Weapon and’ with ‘Weapon, and’. Replaced ‘Book 22’ with ‘Book 23’. Replaced ‘in Book 23’ with ‘in Book 24’. Replaced ‘Mydnight’s Hero’ with ‘Rune War’. Replaced ‘1 to 3’ with ‘one to three’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘guild of magicians’ with ‘Guild of Magicians’. Replaced ‘For every adventure that you complete successfully in the New Order series, you will gain proficiency with one additional weapon.’ with ‘For every adventure that you complete successfully in the New Order series while possessing the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery, you will gain proficiency with one additional weapon.’. Replaced ‘Fire and’ with ‘Fire, and’. Replaced ‘battle wounds’ with ‘battle-wounds’. Added ‘ If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat.’ to the section on Grand Huntmastery. Replaced ‘fortresses increases’ with ‘fortresses increase’. Replaced ‘Duration of the spirit-walk, and the protection afforded to his inanimate body, increases’ with ‘Duration of the spirit-walk and the protection afforded to his inanimate body increase’. Replaced ‘predictions increases’ with ‘predictions increase’. Replaced ‘will be of use’ with ‘may be of use’. Added ‘If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 5 points to any number you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.’ from the Equipment section. Replaced ‘EQUIPMENT’ with ‘Equipment’. Replaced ‘undertaken then’ with ‘undertaken, then’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf (New Order) series’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘New Order series’ with ‘New Order series’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’. Replaced ‘any other Special Items that’ with ‘any other Special Items and Backpack Items that’. Replaced ‘in the Equipment section’ with ‘below’ and added an illustration of the ten types of Weapon in harmony with the Collector’s Edition. Replaced each occurrence of ‘four’ with ‘five’ when referring to the initial number of Disciplines a Grand Master begins the series with, in line with the Collector’s Edition.
(Equipment) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘eg,’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘combat, therefore’ with ‘combat; therefore’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Removed ‘(see the inside front cover of this book)’. Added a paragraph about Gold Crowns to the section ‘Equipment—How to use it’. Replaced ‘have to your’ with ‘have on your’. Replaced ‘Before you leave Elzian and begin your long voyage south to the Isle of Lorn, you take with you a map of south-eastern Magnamund’ with ‘Before you leave the Port of Suhn and begin your long voyage to the Isle of Sheasu, you take with you a map of central Southern Magnamund’. Set the items on the list of equipment in Initial Capitals. Replaced ‘the previous New Order adventure (Book 21)’ with ‘completed either of the previous adventures in the Lone Wolf New Order series (Books 21–22)’. Replaced ‘Grand Weaponmastery with a Bow’ with ‘Grand Weaponmastery with Bow’. Replaced ‘a sword or an axe’ with ‘a Sword or an Axe’. Replaced ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’. Removed ‘If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 points to any number you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.’. Replaced ‘record these on your Weapons List’ with ‘record these on your Action Chart’ for clarity. Replaced ‘the total sum of’ with ‘the number of’. Replaced ‘Disciplines then’ with ‘Disciplines, then’. Added the section on ‘Gold Crowns’ which reads: ‘The currency of Siyen is the Lune. These are always carried in the Belt Pouch. It will hold a maximum of 200 Lune or 50 Gold Crowns. Gold Crowns are also readily accepted at a rate of 1 Gold Crown for 4 Lune. In the course of your journey you may also come across Ren. Ren is accepted at a rate of 10 Ren for 1 Gold Crown, and accordingly your Belt Pouch can hold a maximum of 500 Ren.’. Replaced ‘normal weapons’ with ‘normal Weapons’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’ in the ‘Equipment—How to Use It’ section. Added ‘You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat.’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition. Added ‘It cannot be used to increase ENDURANCE points immediately prior to a combat.’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition. Replaced ‘four’ with ‘five’ in line with the Collector’s Edition.
(Kai Weapons) Replaced ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’. Removed ‘at the front of the book’. Replaced ‘cave or’ with ‘cave, or’. Replaced ‘magical Axe, Sword or Broadsword’ with ‘magical Axe, Sword, or Broadsword’. Replaced ‘broadsword “Illuminatus”’ with ‘Broadsword “Illuminatus”’. Added ‘(these bonuses are not cumulative)’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition. Replaced ‘when used versus magicians’ with ‘when used against magicians or creatures born of magic’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(Rules for Combat) Removed ‘on the inside back cover of this book’. Replaced ‘on the page after the Random Number Table’ with ‘in the back of this book’. Replaced ‘points reduced’ with ‘points possibly reduced’. Replaced ‘to zero’ with ‘to zero or below’. Replaced ‘at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead’ with ‘at which point that combatant is declared dead’. Replaced ‘sumary’ with ‘summary’.
(Levels of New Order Grand Mastership) Replaced ‘rank and titles’ with ‘ranks and titles’. Replaced ‘New Order series’ with ‘New Order series’. Replaced ‘New Order adventures’ with ‘New Order adventures’.
(Improved Grand Master Disciplines) Replaced ‘Weaponmastery’ with ‘Grand Weaponmastery’. Replaced ‘Kai Grand Master Superior’ with ‘Kai Grand Sentinel’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Kai Grand Master Sentinels’ with ‘Kai Grand Sentinels’. Replaced ‘three hours’ with ‘3 hours’. Replaced ‘fifteen square kilometres’ with ‘ten square miles’. Replaced ‘ ‘Improved Grand Master Disciplines’ ’ with ‘Improved Grand Master Disciplines’. Replaced both occurrences of ‘steadily increases’ with ‘steadily increase’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf New Order books’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order books’.
(New Order Wisdom) Replaced ‘You are about to embark upon the final stage of a vital mission to return the fabled Moonstone of the Shianti to its creators.’ with ‘You are about to embark upon a vital mission to save the realm of Siyen from the clutches of the evil Baron Sadanzo and his robber knights. It is a noble quest and its success will bring great honour upon you and the Kai.’. Replaced ‘Books 1–21’ with ‘Books 1–22’. Replaced ‘gods’ with ‘Gods’. Italicised ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’. Replaced ‘four’ with ‘five’ in line with the Collector’s Edition.
(1) Replaced ‘Dessi consulate’ with ‘Dessian consulate’. Added a paragraph break between ‘orb of light.’ and ‘ ‘Ah,’. Italicised ‘Lone Wolf New Order’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘adventure)’ with ‘adventure),’. Replaced ‘30 metres’ with ‘100 feet’. Replaced ‘The Captain’ with ‘The captain’.
(2) Replaced ‘under way’ with ‘underway’. Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’. Replaced ‘fifteen’ with ‘five’, since the fifteen-minute call was sounded earlier in Section 78.
(3) Replaced ‘river (Make’ with ‘river. (Make’. Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’. Replaced ‘which weapon’ with ‘which Weapon’. Replaced ‘five kilometres’ with ‘three miles’.
(4) Replaced ‘Items (Ren’ with ‘Items. (Ren’.
(6) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(7) Replaced ‘rolling clouds’ with ‘roiling clouds’. Replaced ‘grimly, ‘I’ with ‘grimly. ‘I’. Replaced ‘the crew give’ with ‘the crew gives’.
(8) Replaced ‘speed an’ with ‘speed and’. Replaced ‘Each potion’ with ‘Each Potion of Laumspur’. Replaced ‘gleaming bronze now’ with ‘gleaming bronze, now’.
(9) Replaced ‘emmissaries’ with ‘emissaries’. Replaced ‘mules and’ with ‘mules, and’. Replaced ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’. Changed the link to Section 166 to Section 116 instead, as the original is clearly wrong. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’.
(10) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘gulley’ with ‘gully’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’. Added the illustration caption ‘The drooling horror utters a chilling cackle and quickly moves towards the narrow gulley.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Added ‘If the Kai Weapon you wield is “Raumas”, you may apply the bonus gained due to its unique properties.’.
(12) Replaced ‘Merchant’s Quarter’ with ‘Merchants’ Quarter’. Replaced ‘upon him’ with ‘upon the Baron’. Replaced ‘Disciplines or weapon’ with ‘Disciplines, nor a Bow’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘constitution of Siyen’ with ‘Constitution of Siyen’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘The crowd give’ with ‘The crowd gives’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’.
(13) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(14) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘well being’ with ‘well-being’. Replaced ‘effects of the mind charm’ with ‘effects of the spell’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(16) Replaced ‘rooms and’ with ‘rooms, and’. Replaced ‘patrols who’ with ‘patrols that’. Replaced ‘swordbelt’ with ‘sword belt’. Replaced ‘tunic, then’ with ‘tunic, and then’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(17) Removed the paragraph break between ‘politely.’ and ‘ ‘My’. Replaced ‘this night?’ with ‘this night.’ Replaced ‘Yay’ with ‘Yea’. Replaced ‘t’is’ with ‘ ’tis’. Replaced ‘nerve.’ with ‘nerve?’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(18) Replaced ‘death of’ with ‘deaths of’. Replaced ‘jaw, then’ with ‘jaw; then’.
(19) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘my lord. Will’ with ‘my lord, will’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(24) Replaced ‘carrying (Erase’ with ‘carrying. (Erase’. Replaced ‘Backpack list’ with ‘list of Backpack Items’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(25) Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’. Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’s’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’s’. Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’.
(26) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(28) Replaced ‘ribcage’ with ‘rib cage’. Replaced ‘sharp, popping’ with ‘sharp popping’.
(30) Replaced ‘face, then’ with ‘face, and then’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(31) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(32) Replaced ‘30 kilometres’ with ‘30 miles’. Replaced ‘Action Chart).’ with ‘Action Chart.)’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(34) Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’. Replaced ‘combat skill’ with ‘COMBAT SKILL’. Replaced ‘Cavalian bandits’ with ‘Cavalian Bandits’. Added the illustration caption ‘As soon as you pass through the stable door, you are attacked by six Cavalian bandits.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘four (or more) rounds’ with ‘four rounds or more’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(35) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’. Replaced ‘20 kilometres’ with ‘20 miles’. Replaced ‘20 metres’ with ‘20 yards’. Replaced ‘ten metres’ with ‘10 yards’. Replaced ‘saddle is’ with ‘saddle are’. Replaced ‘great forest of Kelderwood’ with ‘Great Forest of Kelderwood’.
(36) Replaced ‘loaded ready’ with ‘loaded, ready’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘men at arms’ with ‘men-at-arms’.
(37) Replaced ‘your crowns’ with ‘your Crowns’.
(38) Replaced ‘five kilometres’ with ‘5 miles’. Replaced ‘struck’ with ‘strikes’.
(39) Replaced ‘1 Bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘1 Spear’ with ‘Spear’. Replaced ‘1 Axe’ with ‘Axe’. Replaced ‘swordbelt’ with ‘sword belt’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘confiscated weapons’ with ‘confiscated equipment’. Replaced ‘less than’ with ‘more than’ since Section 275 states ‘you bide your time until an hour later’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(40) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’.
(41) Replaced ‘first floor corridor’ with ‘first-floor corridor’. Replaced ‘stairs, ‘we’ with ‘stairs. ‘We’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(42) Replaced ‘rolling clouds’ with ‘roiling clouds’. Replaced ‘the crew give’ with ‘the crew gives’.
(43) Replaced ‘accept and’ with ‘accept it and’.
(44) Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’. Replaced ‘this Special Item’ with ‘this item’ for consistency with changes made to Section 288.
(45) Replaced ‘timber-yard’ with ‘timber yard’. Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘arm band’ with ‘armband’. Replaced ‘a patrol of armed guards who are marching’ with ‘a patrol of armed guards which is marching’.
(46) Added a paragraph break between ‘wistfully.’ and ‘ ‘Yes’. Added the illustration caption ‘Two Seroan City Guardsmen stop passengers at the end of the gangplank to collect their riverboat tickets.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book.
(47) Replaced ‘Dammerdon mountains’ with ‘Dammerdon Mountains’. Replaced ‘an north-easterly’ with ‘a northeasterly’. Replaced ‘200 kilometres’ with ‘200 miles’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(48) Added a paragraph break before ‘You have no difficulty’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(50) Replaced ‘emotion, ‘welcome’ with ‘emotion. ‘Welcome’.
(51) Replaced ‘parallel with’ with ‘parallel to’. Replaced ‘shock-wave’ with ‘shock wave’. Replaced ‘30 metres’ with ‘100 feet’. Replaced ‘a second deafening’ with ‘another deafening’.
(52) Replaced ‘the river’ with ‘the river.’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘equivalent = 2 Gold Crowns’ with ‘equivalent—2 Gold Crowns’.
(53) Replaced ‘skills, or’ with ‘skills, nor a Bow, or’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.
(54) Replaced ‘by way of its east gate’ with ‘by way of its west gate’.
(55) Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘half mast’ with ‘half-mast’. Replaced ‘muses out aloud’ with ‘muses aloud’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Guard Captain’ with ‘guard captain’ when it is not followed by a specific name.
(57) Replaced ‘crack’ with ‘crack’. Replaced ‘spell of levitation’ with ‘Levitation spell’.
(59) Replaced each occurrence of ‘river boat’ with ‘riverboat’. Replaced ‘to try and’ with ‘to try to’. Replaced ‘75 kilometres’ with ‘75 miles’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Sainus’s’ with ‘Sainus’ ’.
(60) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘battle cry’ with ‘battle-cry’. Replaced ‘30 metres’ with ‘100 feet’. Added the illustration caption ‘The armour-clad leader bellows a challenge, demanding that you face him in personal combat.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book.
(61) Replaced ‘emotion, ‘welcome’ with ‘emotion. ‘Welcome’.
(62) Replaced ‘stuck by’ with ‘struck by’. Replaced ‘knight, ‘or’ with ‘knight. ‘Or’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(63) Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Pathsmanship, and’ with ‘Pathsmanship and’.
(64) Replaced ‘Each potion’ with ‘Each Potion of Laumspur’. Replaced ‘gleaming bronze now’ with ‘gleaming bronze, now’.
(65) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Mind Charm’.
(66) Replaced ‘Dagger you’ with ‘Dagger, you’.
(67) Replaced ‘shortlived’ with ‘short-lived’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(70) Replaced ‘loathe to’ with ‘loath to’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘choice; these’ with ‘choice: these’. Replaced ‘the troop unfurl’ with ‘the troop unfurls’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lodamos’s’ with ‘Lodamos’ ’.
(71) Replaced ‘to go and save’ with ‘to go to save’. Replaced ‘crack’ with ‘crack’.
(72) Replaced ‘a solid wall of water and loose rock come rushing’ with ‘a solid wall of water and loose rock comes rushing’. Replaced ‘Animal Control’ with ‘Animal Mastery’.
(73) Replaced ‘Kai rank of Kai’ with ‘rank of Kai’. Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’. Replaced ‘Bardsmanship, and’ with ‘Bardsmanship and’. Replaced ‘Kai-surge, and’ with ‘Kai-surge and’.
(74) Replaced ‘Belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’. Replaced ‘Reeve-sergeant’s’ with ‘reeve-sergeant’s’. Replaced ‘Torq’ with ‘Torqs’ as everywhere else in this book.
(75) Replaced ‘and wax’ with ‘and a wax’. Replaced ‘return of’ with ‘return for’. Replaced ‘Assassin’s Guild’ with ‘Assassins’ Guild’.
(76) Replaced ‘4 metres’ with ‘12 feet’.
(77) Replaced ‘hush, then’ with ‘hush, and then’. Replaced ‘that has’ with ‘that have’.
(78) Added a paragraph break between ‘tavern door.’ and ‘ ‘Have you’. Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(79) Replaced ‘crack’ with ‘crack’.
(80) Replaced ‘Magnakai hunting’ with ‘Magnakai Huntmastery’.
(81) Replaced each occurrence of ‘flute’ with ‘Flute’. Replaced ‘agonising’ with ‘agonizing’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’.
(82) Replaced ‘timber-yard’ with ‘timber yard’. Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘arm band’ with ‘armband’. Replaced ‘a patrol of armed guards who are marching’ with ‘a patrol of armed guards which is marching’. Replaced ‘you wait for them to reach the bridge yet, as they do so, another patrol’ with ‘you wait for them to reach the bridge, yet as they do so, another patrol’.
(83) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Added the illustration caption ‘Sadanzo draws his sword and pulls a glowing green gem from the pocket of his robes.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced each occurrence of ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘Phedros, ‘I’ with ‘Phedros. ‘I’.
(84) Replaced ‘Kai pathsmanship’ with ‘Magnakai Pathsmanship’. Replaced ‘tiger’s head emblem’ with ‘tiger’s-head emblem’.
(85) Replaced ‘prince, ‘And’ with ‘Prince. ‘And’.
(86) Replaced the first occurrence of ‘blades’ with ‘swords’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(87) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Lightning Hand’. Replaced ‘you two’ with ‘the two of you’.
(88) Replaced ‘bow or’ with ‘Bow, nor’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘group of Bakhasians appear’ with ‘group of Bakhasians appears’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(89) Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’.
(90) Replaced ‘Magician’s Guild’ with ‘Magicians’ Guild’. Replaced ‘30 metres’ with ‘100 feet’. Added the illustration caption ‘A large iron cage is attached to the stern of the Starstrider which hovers 100 feet overhead.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(91) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Removed the dashes around ‘Counterspell’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(92) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’.
(93) Replaced ‘emmissaries’ with ‘emissaries’. Replaced ‘mules and’ with ‘mules, and’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’.
(94) Replaced ‘jet black’ with ‘jet-black’. Replaced ‘spears and’ with ‘spears, and’. Replaced ‘40 metres’ with ‘40 yards’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.
(95) Replaced ‘day then be’ with ‘day than be’.
(97) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Lightning Hand’.
(98) Replaced ‘steam-clouds’ with ‘steam clouds’.
(100) Replaced ‘stubby spears, that’ with ‘stubby spears that’. Added the illustration caption ‘Four Bakhasians carry a platform on which rests an elaborate shrine crafted into the likeness of a tiger’s head.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(101) Replaced ‘buzz’ with ‘buzz’.
(102) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘ribcage’ with ‘rib cage’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘sharp, popping’ with ‘sharp popping’.
(103) Replaced ‘despatch’ with ‘dispatch’. Replaced ‘death cry’ with ‘death-cry’. Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’.
(104) Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘great, great grandchildren’ with ‘great-great-grandchildren’.
(105) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(106) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘10 metres’ with ‘30 feet’. Replaced ‘centimetres’ with ‘inches’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(108) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.
(110) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Net’. Replaced ‘when you did he feels sure’ with ‘when you did, he feels sure’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(111) Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’.
(112) Replaced ‘gold crowns’ with ‘Gold Crowns’.
(113) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(114) Replaced ‘6 metres’ with ‘20 feet’.
(115) Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘off balance’ with ‘off-balance’. Replaced ‘arm band’ with ‘armband’. Replaced ‘a patrol of armed guards who are marching’ with ‘a patrol of armed guards which is marching’.
(116) Replaced ‘emmissaries’ with ‘emissaries’. Replaced ‘horse-thieves more like’ with ‘horse-thieves, more like’. Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’. Replaced ‘this Special Item’ with ‘this item’ for consistency with changes made to Section 288.
(117) Replaced ‘this expert horsemen’ with ‘this expert horseman’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(118) Replaced ‘blood-shot’ with ‘bloodshot’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(119) Replaced ‘parallel with’ with ‘parallel to’. Replaced ‘shockwave’ with ‘shock wave’. Replaced ‘30 metres’ with ‘100 feet’.
(120) Replaced ‘poorly stocked’ with ‘poorly-stocked’. Removed each occurrence of ‘=’ from the table.
(121) Replaced ‘Zinair and’ with ‘Zinair to’. Replaced ‘compliment’ with ‘complement’. Replaced ‘badly injured’ with ‘badly-injured’. Replaced ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’. Replaced ‘Huntmstery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(122) Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’.
(123) Added a paragraph break between ‘men, excitedly.’ and ‘ ‘We’re’. Added a paragraph break between ‘says another.’ and ‘ ‘Come’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’.
(124) Replaced ‘says, ‘so’ with ‘says. ‘So’. Added a paragraph break between ‘his head.’ and ‘ ‘Perhaps’. Replaced ‘plains and’ with ‘plains, and’. Replaced ‘north-east’ with ‘northeast’. Replaced ‘Bakhasa of’ with ‘Bakhasa, of’. Replaced ‘roots and’ with ‘roots, and’. Replaced ‘1,200 kilometres’ with ‘1,200 miles’. Replaced ‘60 kilometres’ with ‘60 miles’. Replaced ‘50 kilometres’ with ‘30 miles’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘great forest’ with ‘Great Forest’. Replaced ‘determination and you’ with ‘determination, and you’.
(125) Replaced ‘birdsong’ with ‘bird song’. Replaced ‘villages where you’ with ‘villages when you’. Replaced ‘eagle’s heads’ with ‘eagles’ heads’. Replaced ‘evil baron’ with ‘evil Baron’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘eastern province’ with ‘western province’, since although you are heading eastwards, Cavalia is the westernmost province of the Kingdom of Siyen.
(127) Replaced ‘Siyen, that’ with ‘Siyen, and that’. Replaced ‘queuing’ with ‘queueing’. Replaced ‘Judicar’s Hall’ with ‘Judicars’ Hall’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Reeve-sergeant’ with ‘reeve-sergeant’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(128) Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’. Replaced ‘combat skill’ with ‘COMBAT SKILL’. Replaced ‘Cavalian bandits’ with ‘Cavalian Bandits’. Replaced ‘six (or more) rounds’ with ‘six rounds or more’.
(130) Replaced ‘exclaims, ‘he’ with ‘exclaims. ‘He’. Added a paragraph break between ‘Crown Prince Karvas!’ ’ and ‘Instantly the’. Replaced ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(131) Replaced ‘confiscated weapons’ with ‘confiscated Weapons’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lodamos’s’ with ‘Lodamos’ ’.
(132) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘pathsmanship’ with ‘Pathsmanship’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘44 Ren’ with ‘30 Ren’. Replaced ‘arm band’ with ‘armband’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘a patrol of armed guards who are marching’ with ‘a patrol of armed guards which is marching’. Replaced ‘darkness, and your innate Kai camouflage skills have’ with ‘darkness and your innate Kai camouflage skills have’. Replaced ‘THIS KEY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE TEHDA STABLES’ with ‘‘This key is the property of the Tehda Stables’’.
(133) Replaced ‘two kilometres’ with ‘2 miles’.
(134) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’.
(135) Replaced ‘bow shot’ with ‘bowshot’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(136) Replaced ‘TEHDA STABLES’ with ‘‘This key is the property of the Tehda Stables’’ in line with Section 132. Replaced ‘drawbolts’ with ‘bolts’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘stables door’ with ‘stables’ door’.
(137) Replaced ‘lancer’s horses’ with ‘lancers’ horses’. Replaced ‘nerves break’ with ‘nerve breaks’.
(139) Added the illustration caption ‘You see a herd of migrating fanji.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘horizon, then’ with ‘horizon; then’.
(140) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(141) Replaced ‘gold crowns’ with ‘Gold Crowns’. Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(142) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’. Replaced ‘Cavalians, here’ with ‘Cavalians here’.
(143) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(144) Replaced ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’.
(145) Replaced ‘pathsmanship’ with ‘Pathsmanship’. Replaced ‘head, then’ with ‘head, and then’. Replaced ‘THIS KEY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE TEHDA STABLES’ with ‘‘This key is the property of the Tehda Stables’’.
(147) Replaced ‘Dammerdon mountains’ with ‘Dammerdon Mountains’.
(148) Replaced ‘despatched’ with ‘dispatched’. Replaced ‘king of Siyen’ with ‘King of Siyen’. Replaced ‘city and’ with ‘city, and’. Added the illustration caption ‘ ‘Arise, Sir Kai, for I proclaim that you are now a Knight of Siyen.’ ’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘their cheer are’ with ‘their cheers are’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(149) Replaced ‘shockwave’ with ‘shock wave’. Replaced ‘mainmast—lose’ with ‘mainmast: lose’ as elsewhere in this adventure.
(150) Replaced ‘1 Bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘1 Spear’ with ‘Spear’. Replaced ‘1 Axe’ with ‘Axe’. Replaced ‘swordbelt’ with ‘sword belt’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘confiscated weapons’ with ‘confiscated equipment’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(151) Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(152) Replaced ‘The lightning bolt hit the skyship’s hull directly below the helm, rendering you unconscious as the concussive force of the blast was transmitted upwards through the deck’ with ‘The lightning bolt hits the skyship’s hull directly below the helm, rendering you unconscious as the concussive force of the blast is transmitted upwards through the deck’.
(156) Replaced each occurrence of ‘100 metres’ with ‘300 feet’. Replaced ‘pressure; it’ with ‘pressure: it’.
(157) Replaced ‘skills, or’ with ‘skills, nor a Bow, or’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’.
(158) Replaced ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’.
(159) Replaced each occurrence of ‘combat skill’ with ‘COMBAT SKILL’. Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’. Replaced ‘gutteral’ with ‘guttural’. Replaced ‘Farwell Prince Karvas’ with ‘Farewell, Prince Karvas’. Replaced ‘eagle’s head emblem’ with ‘eagle’s-head emblem’.
(160) Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘arm band’ with ‘armband’. Replaced ‘a patrol of armed guards who are marching’ with ‘a patrol of armed guards which is marching’.
(161) Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’.
(162) Added a paragraph break between ‘Royal household’ ’ and ‘ ‘It’. Added a paragraph break between ‘recognize me?’ ’ and ‘ ‘Prince Karvas’. Replaced ‘Royal Cavalry barracks’ with ‘Royal Cavalry Barracks’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘Karvas, ‘do’ with ‘Karvas. ‘Do’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘Phedros’s’ with ‘Phedros’ ’.
(164) Replaced ‘agonising’ with ‘agonizing’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(165) Replaced ‘return to Starstrider’ with ‘return to the Starstrider’. Added the illustration caption ‘The magician greets you with a broad smile and a firm handshake.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book.
(167) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(169) Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(170) Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(171) Replaced ‘you ee a’ with ‘you see a’. Replaced ‘white eagle’s-head pennant’ with ‘black eagle’s-head pennant’. Replaced ‘VAREDO—150 miles’ with ‘Varedo—150 miles’.
(172) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(173) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(174) Replaced ‘double-backed’ with ‘doubled-back’. Replaced ‘Lucien hills’ with ‘Lucien Hills’. Replaced ‘Huntmstery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’.
(177) Replaced ‘30 metres’ with ‘100 feet’. Replaced ‘5 metres’ with ‘15 feet’. Added the illustration caption ‘Prince Karvas is hanging by one hand to an outcrop of jagged rock.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Rope, and’ with ‘Rope and’.
(178) Replaced ‘combat skill’ with ‘COMBAT SKILL’. Replaced ‘compliment’ with ‘complement’. Replaced ‘scrolls and’ with ‘scrolls, and’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(180) Replaced ‘drawbolts’ with ‘bolts’. Replaced ‘30cm-long’ with ‘foot-long’. Replaced ‘TEHDA STABLES’ with ‘‘Tehda Stables’’.
(181) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(184) Replaced ‘tunnel that give’ with ‘tunnel that gives’. Replaced ‘Weaponmastery, and’ with ‘Weaponmastery and’.
(185) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Removed ‘which you carry in your backpack’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(186) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’s’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’s’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(187) Replaced ‘The Azaktara’ with ‘The Azaktana’. Replaced ‘look-out’ with ‘lookout’. Replaced ‘treeline’ with ‘tree-line’ Replaced ‘thickly wooded headland’ with ‘thickly-wooded headland’. Replaced ‘200 kilometres’ with ‘200 miles’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(188) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Lightning Hand’.
(190) Replaced ‘rooms and’ with ‘rooms, and’. Replaced ‘patrols who’ with ‘patrols that’. Replaced ‘swordbelt’ with ‘sword belt’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(191) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Net’.
(192) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘well being’ with ‘well-being’. Replaced ‘effects of the mind charm’ with ‘effects of the spell’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(193) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(194) Replaced ‘swordbelt’ with ‘sword belt’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘that alert’ with ‘that alerts’. Replaced ‘Guard Captain’ with ‘guard captain’ when it is not followed by a specific name. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’.
(195) Replaced ‘Each potion’ with ‘Each Potion of Laumspur’. Replaced ‘gleaming bronze now’ with ‘gleaming bronze, now’.
(197) Replaced ‘Dagger you’ with ‘Dagger, you’.
(198) Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(199) Replaced ‘crack’ with ‘crack’.
(200) Replaced ‘market place’ with ‘marketplace’. Replaced ‘Herbmastery, and’ with ‘Herbmastery and’.
(202) Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘money, in’ with ‘money in’.
(203) Replaced ‘Citadel gaolers’ with ‘Citadel Gaolers’. Added the illustration caption ‘The Knight holds a short-bladed sword in one hand and a wooden bowl in the other.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘The Knight’ with ‘The knight’ in the illustration’s caption.
(205) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Invisible Fist’.
(208) Replaced ‘at all; they are’ with ‘at all: they are’.
(210) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘ribcage’ with ‘rib cage’. Removed the dashes around ‘Lightning Hand’. Replaced ‘sharp, popping’ with ‘sharp popping’.
(211) Replaced ‘1 Bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘1 Spear’ with ‘Spear’. Replaced ‘1 Axe’ with ‘Axe’. Replaced ‘timber lock’ with ‘tumbler lock’. Replaced ‘swordbelt’ with ‘sword belt’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘confiscated weapons’ with ‘confiscated equipment’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(212) Replaced ‘five kilometres’ with ‘5 miles’. Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’.
(214) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’.
(216) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Shield’.
(217) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Counterspell’. Replaced ‘vs.’ with ‘versus’.
(219) Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(220) Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’. Replaced ‘by way of its east gate’ with ‘by way of its west gate’. Replaced ‘east gate’ with ‘west gate’. Added the illustration caption ‘Fiery beacons illuminate the surface of the River Tehda.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘great forest of Kelderwood’ with ‘Great Forest of Kelderwood’. Replaced ‘within an hour of your resuming your trek’ with ‘within an hour of you resuming your trek’.
(221) Replaced ‘forego’ with ‘forgo’. Replaced ‘frequently warring nations’ with ‘frequently-warring nations’. Replaced ‘ale and’ with ‘ale, and’. Replaced ‘a copse of elm trees that border’ with ‘a copse of elm trees that borders’. Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(222) Replaced ‘T’is’ with ‘ ’Tis’. Replaced ‘my Lords’ with ‘my lords’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(223) Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(224) Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘continuing, by’ with ‘continuing by’.
(225) Replaced ‘rockface’ with ‘rock-face’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(226) Replaced ‘workships’ with ‘workshops’. Replaced ‘wheelrights’ with ‘wheelwrights’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and wish to use it’.
(227) Replaced ‘forego’ with ‘forgo’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Sainus’s’ with ‘Sainus’ ’.
(228) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’.
(229) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(230) Replaced ‘the Southlund Marches of Southern Magnamund’ with ‘the Southlund Marches of southern Sommerlund’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘sway languidly’ with ‘sways languidly’.
(234) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Invisible Shield’.
(235) Replaced ‘100 metres’ with ‘300 feet’. Replaced ‘ ‘Crack!’ ’ with ‘Crack!’. Replaced ‘steam-clouds’ with ‘steam clouds’.
(236) Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(238) Replaced ‘Kai pathsmanship’ with ‘Magnakai Pathsmanship’.
(239) Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’.
(240) Replaced ‘push the door and’ with ‘push the door open and’.
(242) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘death of’ with ‘deaths of’.
(243) Replaced each occurrence of ‘gold crowns’ with ‘Gold Crowns’. Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’.
(244) Replaced ‘vs.’ with ‘versus’.
(245) Replaced ‘food).’ with ‘food.)’.
(246) Replaced ‘Gold crowns’ with ‘Gold Crowns’. ‘1 Dagger’ with ‘Dagger’. Replaced ‘1 Potion’ with ‘Potion’.
(247) Replaced ‘imposter’ with ‘impostor’. Replaced ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’. Replaced ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’. Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’.
(248) Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘arm band’ with ‘armband’. Replaced ‘bridge but as they do so another’ with ‘bridge but, as they do so, another’. Replaced ‘a patrol of armed guards who are marching’ with ‘a patrol of armed guards which is marching’.
(249) Replaced ‘bow and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(251) Replaced ‘Dammerdon mountains’ with ‘Dammerdon Mountains’. Replaced ‘Kai pathsmanship’ with ‘Magnakai Pathsmanship’.
(252) Replaced ‘Baron’s seal’ with ‘Baron’s Seal’. Replaced ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’s’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’s’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’.
(253) Replaced ‘shouts, ‘and’ with ‘shouts. ‘And’.
(254) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’. Added the illustration caption ‘Eight mercenary Knights swagger towards the middle of the bridge.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book.
(255) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(256) Added the illustration caption ‘Karvas points out two men standing at the tavern counter.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘You push you way’ with ‘You push your way’.
(259) Replaced ‘herbmastery’ with ‘Herbmastery’.
(260) Replaced ‘gold crowns’ with ‘Gold Crowns’. Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’.
(261) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(262) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘stuck by’ with ‘struck by’. Removed the dashes around ‘Mind Charm’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(263) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(264) Replaced ‘Baron’s seal’ with ‘Baron’s Seal’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Inquisitor-Major’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’.
(265) Replaced ‘they splutter and die’ with ‘they sputter and die’.
(266) Replaced ‘tavern keeper’ with ‘tavern-keeper’. Replaced ‘weasly’ with ‘weaselly’.
(267) Replaced ‘forego’ with ‘forgo’. Replaced ‘100 kilometres’ with ‘100 miles’.
(270) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(271) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘line of black-clad figures, mostly soldiers, come’ with ‘line of black-clad figures, mostly soldiers, comes’.
(274) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘the number of passing soldiers are’ with ‘the number of passing soldiers is’.
(275) Replaced ‘Citadel goalers’ with ‘Citadel Gaolers’.
(276) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(277) Replaced ‘100 metres’ with ‘100 yards’. Replaced ‘this Special Item’ with ‘this item’ for consistency with changes made to Section 288.
(278) Replaced ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’. Replaced ‘horses’s reins’ with ‘horse’s reins’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(279) Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’.
(280) Replaced ‘river boats’ with ‘riverboats’. Replaced ‘river boat’ with ‘riverboat’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘arm bands’ with ‘armbands’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘half mast’ with ‘half-mast’. Replaced ‘scarlet and yellow flags’ with ‘scarlet-and-yellow flags’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(281) Replaced ‘you to gallop’ with ‘the two of you gallop’.
(282) Replaced ‘30 metres’ with ‘100 feet’. Added the illustration caption ‘A man is kneeling beside a stone-covered mound.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book.
(283) Replaced ‘birdsong’ with ‘bird song’. Replaced ‘villages where you’ with ‘villages when you’. Replaced ‘evil baron’ with ‘evil Baron’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘eastern province’ with ‘western province’, since although you are heading eastwards, Cavalia is the westernmost province of the Kingdom of Siyen.
(284) Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’. Replaced ‘Cavalian bandits’ with ‘Cavalian Bandits’. Replaced ‘5 (or more) rounds’ with ‘five rounds or more’. Replaced ‘4 rounds’ with ‘four rounds’.
(286) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(287) Replaced ‘head, then’ with ‘head, and then’.
(288) Replaced ‘one (or more)’ with ‘any’. Replaced ‘These three treasures are all Special Items. If you decide to take any of them, you must carry them in your Backpack. Each of these Special Items will take up one space in your Backpack. You must discard a Backpack Item in their favour if you already carry the maximum number permissible.’ with ‘If you decide to take any of these three treasures, you must carry them in your Backpack.’ and amalgamated the text into the preceding paragraph.
(289) Replaced ‘5–8’ with ‘4–8’.
(290) Replaced ‘Once more you urge Acraban’ with ‘You urge Acraban’, since the only option leading here is in Section 156 where you don’t urge Acraban to change course. Replaced ‘steam-clouds’ with ‘steam clouds’.
(292) Replaced ‘Dammerdon range’ with ‘Dammerdon Range’. Replaced ‘milleniums’ with ‘millennia’. Replaced ‘Pathsmanship, and’ with ‘Pathsmanship and’.
(293) Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Lodamos’s’ with ‘Lodamos’ ’.
(294) Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’.
(295) Replaced ‘Zinair and’ with ‘Zinair to’. Replaced ‘compliment’ with ‘complement’. Replaced ‘badly injured’ with ‘badly-injured’. Replaced ‘ships’ battered keel’ with ‘ship’s battered keel’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’. Replaced ‘Huntmstery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’. Added the illustration caption ‘Prince Karvas emerges unscathed from the rope locker.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book.
(296) Replaced ‘emotion, ‘welcome’ with ‘emotion. ‘Welcome’.
(297) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(298) Replaced ‘that promised safe’ with ‘that promise safe’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’.
(300) Replaced ‘spearpoint’ with ‘spear-point’. Replaced ‘his first’ with ‘his fist’. Added the illustration caption ‘The mist adopts the form of a knight in armour.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘near freezing’ with ‘near-freezing’.
(301) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘gulley’ with ‘gully’. Replaced ‘(Winged agarashi)’ with ‘(Winged Agarashi)’. Replaced ‘add 5 to’ with ‘add 5 points to’. Added ‘If the Kai Weapon you wield is “Raumas”, you may apply the bonus gained due to its unique properties.’.
(302) Replaced ‘five kilometres’ with ‘three miles’.
(303) Replaced ‘a north-easterly’ with ‘a northeasterly’. Replaced ‘a barracks and’ with ‘a barracks, and’. Replaced ‘200 kilometres’ with ‘200 miles’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(304) Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘arm band’ with ‘armband’. Replaced ‘a patrol of armed guards who are marching’ with ‘a patrol of armed guards which is marching’.
(305) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Invisible Fist’.
(306) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(308) Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(309) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Mind Charm’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(310) Replaced ‘Each potion’ with ‘Each Potion of Laumspur’. Added the illustration caption ‘In an alcove you discover a shrine dedicated to the God Kai.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘gleaming bronze now’ with ‘gleaming bronze, now’.
(311) Replaced ‘jet black’ with ‘jet-black’. Replaced ‘30 metres’ with ‘100 feet’. Replaced ‘east gate’ with ‘west gate’.
(313) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(314) Replaced ‘the number you have chosen’ with ‘the number you have picked’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’.
(315) Replaced ‘pathsmanship’ with ‘Pathsmanship’. Replaced ‘metres’ with ‘yards’.
(316) Replaced ‘rooms and’ with ‘rooms, and’. Replaced ‘patrols who’ with ‘patrols that’. Replaced ‘swordbelt’ with ‘sword belt’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(318) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘I and my companion’ with ‘my companion and I’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(319) Replaced ‘10 metres’ with ‘10 yards’.
(320) Replaced ‘centimetres’ with ‘inches’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(321) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Reeve-sergeant’ with ‘reeve-sergeant’.
(323) Replaced ‘Tehda stables’ with ‘Tehda Stables’. Replaced ‘100 metres’ with ‘100 yards’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(324) Replaced ‘1 Bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘swordbelt’ with ‘sword belt’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘confiscated weapons’ with ‘confiscated equipment’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(325) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘arm band’ with ‘armband’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘a patrol of armed guards who are marching’ with ‘a patrol of armed guards which is marching’. Replaced ‘darkness, and your innate Kai camouflage skills have’ with ‘darkness and your innate Kai camouflage skills have’.
(326) Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘If your total score is now 0–4, turn to 219’ with ‘If it is 1–5, turn to 333’. Replaced ‘If it is 6 or higher, turn to 333’ with ‘If it is 6 or higher, turn to 219’. Replaced ‘If it is 5, turn to 225’ with ‘If your total score is now 0, turn to 225’.
(327) Replaced ‘A-ha! just as I’ with ‘Aha! Just as I’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’.
(328) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(329) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’.
(330) Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’.
(331) Replaced ‘master Acraban’ with ‘Master Acraban’. Replaced ‘100 kilometres’ with ‘100 miles’. Replaced ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’. Replaced ‘bo’sun Gora’ with ‘Bo’sun Gora’.
(332) Replaced ‘jail’ with ‘gaol’. Replaced ‘excitedly, ‘we’ with ‘excitedly. ‘We’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(333) Replaced ‘Backpack items list’ with ‘list of Backpack Items’. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(334) Replaced ‘Sheasu, then turn instead to 74’ with ‘Sheasu, turn instead to 74’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Reeve-sergeant’s’ with ‘reeve-sergeant’s’.
(335) Replaced ‘Kai rank of Kai’ with ‘rank of Kai’. Replaced ‘Bardsmanship, and’ with ‘Bardsmanship and a Flute and’. Replaced ‘Kai-surge, and’ with ‘Kai-surge and’.
(336) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘appear to be’ with ‘appears to be’. Replaced ‘slam him’ with ‘force him’ as per Joe Dever’s original text.
(337) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom battle spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Battle-spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Shield’.
(338) Replaced ‘rolling clouds’ with ‘roiling clouds’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘the crew give’ with ‘the crew gives’.
(340) Replaced ‘1200 kilometres’ with ‘1,200 miles’. Replaced ‘saw mill’ with ‘sawmill’. Replaced ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced ‘tick by you’ with ‘tick by, you’. Replaced ‘cover you’ with ‘cover, you’.
(341) Replaced ‘mainmast—lose’ with ‘mainmast: lose’ as elsewhere in this adventure.
(342) Replaced ‘alley way’ with ‘alleyway’. Added the illustration caption ‘You see a group of horsemen riding across the drawbridge.’ that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced ‘prince’s’ with ‘Prince’s’. Replaced ‘his feet; it is’ with ‘his feet. It is’.
(343) Replaced ‘Bakhasa trail’ with ‘Bakhasa Trail’.
(344) Replaced ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’. Replaced ‘Inquisitor-Major’s’ with ‘Inquisitor-major’s’.
(345) Replaced ‘death of’ with ‘deaths of’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(346) Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’. Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’.
(347) Replaced each occurrence of ‘prince’ with ‘Prince’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Karvas’s’ with ‘Karvas’ ’.
(348) Replaced ‘pathsmanship’ with ‘Pathsmanship’.
(350) Replaced ‘sailing ship’ with ‘caravel’. Replaced ‘Congratulations Grand’ with ‘Congratulations, Grand’. Replaced ‘RUNE WAR’ with ‘Rune War’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf adventure’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order adventure’.
(Combat Rules Summary) Replaced ‘Items or’ with ‘ Items, or’. Replaced ‘falls to 0’ with ‘falls to 0 or below’. Replaced ‘Pick number from’ with ‘Pick a number from the’. Replaced ‘Turn to Combat’ with ‘Turn to the Combat’. Replaced ‘to random number’ with ‘to the random number’. Replaced ‘when ENDURANCE’ with ‘when the ENDURANCE’.