We have taken our unique opportunity to correct errors and to enforce a standard of English usage. We list our changes here. If you see anything that needs correction, please contact the Project Aon Staff.
Errata List
(Title Page) Replaced ‘THE FORBIDDEN CITY’ with ‘The Forbidden City’. Replaced ‘Kleasa’ with ‘Kleasá’. Replaced ‘magical powers’ with ‘Magical Powers’. Replaced ‘THE WORLD OF LONE WOLF’ with ‘The World of Lone Wolf’. Replaced ‘magic and’ with ‘magic, and’.
(Of the Coming of Grey Star) Replaced ‘wizadry’ with ‘wizardry’. This was fixed in later editions of the book. Replaced ‘new found’ with ‘newfound’. Replaced ‘the Earth’ with ‘Magnamund’. Replaced ‘mists and’ with ‘mists, and’. Replaced ‘forests and’ with ‘forests, and’.
(The Story So Far … ) Added ‘,’ at the end of the first line of the riddle. Replaced ‘section 1’ with ‘Section 1’. Replaced ‘Urik the wise’ with ‘Urik the Wise’.
(The Game Rules) Removed ‘at the front of this book. If you run out of space, you can copy out the chart or have it photocopied’. Removed ‘on the last page of this book’. Replaced ‘adventure and’ with ‘adventure, and’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘eg’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘GREY STAR THE WIZARD’ with ‘Grey Star the Wizard’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘magical power’ with ‘Magical Power’. Replaced ‘fall to zero’ with ‘fall to zero or below’. Replaced ‘falls to zero’ with ‘falls to zero or below’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘Action Chart. (eg, if’ with ‘Action Chart. (e.g. if’. Replaced ‘of 14.) When’ with ‘of 14). When’.
(Magical Powers) Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘eg’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘quarterstaff yet’ with ‘quarterstaff, yet’. Replaced ‘alchemy’ with ‘Alchemy’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘prophecy’ with ‘Prophecy’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘lesser magicks’ with ‘Lesser Magicks’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘five powers’ with ‘five Powers’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘power’ with ‘Power’, except in the description of the Wizard’s Staff. Replaced ‘are, is’ with ‘are is’. Replaced ‘Earth and’ with ‘Earth, and’. Replaced ‘mind or’ with ‘mind, or’. Replaced ‘will be of use’ with ‘may be of use’.
(Equipment) Replaced ‘sulphur’ with ‘Sulphur’. Replaced ‘saltpetre’ with ‘Saltpetre’. Replaced ‘vial’ with ‘Vial’ within the Herb Pouch contents list. Replaced ‘notes but’ with ‘notes, but’. Replaced ‘Shakadine’ with ‘Shadakine’. Replaced ‘Shianti and’ with ‘Shianti, and’. Replaced ‘two weapons’ with ‘two Weapons’.
(Rules for Combat) Removed ‘ on the inside back cover of the book’. Replaced ‘on the page after the Random Number Table’ with ‘in the back of this book’. Replaced ‘the one with the zero score’ with ‘that combatant’. Replaced ‘reduced to zero’ with ‘reduced to zero or below’. Replaced ‘points reduced’ with ‘points possibly reduced’. Replaced ‘multiply this by’ with ‘multiply the number listed for the enemy by’.
(Sage Advice) Removed ‘ at the front of this book’. Replaced ‘score of zero WILLPOWER points’ with ‘WILLPOWER score of zero or below’. Replaced ‘all, so’ with ‘all; so’. Replaced ‘Grey Star adventures’ with ‘Grey Star adventures’ when referring to the series.
(1) Replaced ‘ ‘ Stand back!’ with ‘ ‘Stand back!’. Replaced ‘rain-water’ with ‘rainwater’. Replaced ‘ahead, You’ with ‘ahead. You’. Replaced ‘see themselves’ with ‘see himself’. Replaced ‘mountains and’ with ‘mountains, and’. Replaced ‘But how,’ with ‘But how?’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘dance and’ with ‘dance, and’.
(4) Replaced ‘quagmire, it’ with ‘quagmire; it’ in the caption of the illustration. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(6) Replaced ‘special Item’ with ‘Special Item’.
(7) Replaced ‘elementals’ with ‘Elementals’. Replaced ‘elemental’ with ‘Elemental’. Replaced ‘of the Earth’ with ‘of Earth’.
(11) Replaced ‘battle cry’ with ‘battle-cry’.
(12) Replaced ‘more that’ with ‘more than’. Replaced ‘Power or do’ with ‘Power, or if you do’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(14) Replaced ‘presence. hovering’ with ‘presence, hovering’.
(17) Replaced ‘some Azawood leaves’ with ‘an Azawood Leaf or a portion from a Bundle of Azawood Leaves’ as there is confusion over the number of Azawood Leaves a player might be carrying. In Grey Star the Wizard Section 183 you may buy ‘1 Bundle of dried Azawood Leaves (a base constituent that will charm up to 4 magical potions)’ from Madame Tarlas; however, in Section 216 of this book, you may ‘break off three of these leaves and place them in your Herb Pouch’.
(20) Replaced ‘less than 4 rounds’ with ‘4 rounds or less’. Replaced ‘turn to 149’ with ‘do not continue with the combat but turn immediately to 149’.
(21) Replaced ‘Elemental plane’ with ‘Elemental Plane’.
(23) Replaced ‘says. ‘but’ with ‘says, ‘but’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(29) Replaced ‘staff’s’ with ‘Staff’s’.
(31) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(34) Replaced ‘lake and immediately, the’ with ‘lake, and immediately the’.
(37) Added ‘ with an opening that overlooks a large gorge’ and added an extra paragraph break before the last sentence of the first paragraph, in order to make text make sense.
(39) Replaced ‘consumate’ with ‘consummate’. Replaced ‘appearance, Suddenly’ with ‘appearance. Suddenly’. Replaced ‘frantic cry and’ with ‘frantic cry, and’.
(41) Replaced ‘If, at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you wish to make a light from your Staff’ with ‘If you wish to make a light from your Staff, at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point’.
(42) Replaced ‘hole on’ with ‘hole in’. Replaced ‘aner and’ with ‘anger, and’.
(43) Replaced ‘this power’ with ‘this Power’.
(44) Replaced ‘Gurlu Swamp’ with ‘Gurlu Marshes’.
(45) Replaced each occurrence of ‘vial’ with ‘Vial’.
(48) Replaced ‘Guild it’ with ‘Guild, it’.
(49) Replaced ‘fortress but’ with ‘fortress, but’. Switched the section numbers given for the two choices, to avoid unreasonable consequences of high ENDURANCE and WILLPOWER scores.
(51) Replaced ‘fail, and have’ with ‘fail, have’. Replaced ‘Sorcery and’ with ‘Sorcery, and’.
(52) Replaced ‘companions;’ with ‘companions:’.
(55) Replaced ‘8 WILLPOWER’ with ‘8 ENDURANCE’. Since there is a question of whether you have survived this section or not, and WILLPOWER loss cannot kill you, ENDURANCE was likely what was intended. Replaced ‘points but’ with ‘points, but’. Replaced ‘warriors the’ with ‘warriors, the’. Replaced ‘Astral plane’ with ‘Astral Plane’.
(58) Replaced ‘tremble.Great’ with ‘tremble. Great’.
(59) Added ‘, and wish to use it’ to the last choice, as there is no reason why it should be mandatory to use an Azawood leaf.
(60) Replaced ‘purpose?’ with ‘purpose!’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(61) Replaced ‘turn to 149’ with ‘do not continue with the combat but turn immediately to 149’.
(62) Replaced ‘cry ‘Samu!’ ’ with ‘cry: ‘Samu!’ ’.
(66) Replaced ‘vision. His’ with ‘vision, his’. Replaced ‘long bony claw-like’ with ‘long, bony, claw-like’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(67) Replaced ‘continue you’ with ‘continue, you’.
(72) Replaced ‘Wizard’s staff’ with ‘Wizard’s Staff’. Replaced ‘Black Mountains of Morn’ with ‘black Mountains of Morn’. Replaced ‘some Azawood leaves’ with ‘an Azawood Leaf or a portion from a Bundle of Azawood Leaves’ as there is confusion over the number of Azawood Leaves a player might be carrying. In Grey Star the Wizard Section 183 you may buy ‘1 Bundle of dried Azawood Leaves (a base constituent that will charm up to 4 magical potions)’ from Madame Tarlas; however, in Section 216 of this book, you may ‘break off three of these leaves and place them in your Herb Pouch’.
(73) Replaced ‘Prophecy, and’ with ‘Prophecy and’. Replaced ‘Power or do’ with ‘Power, or if you do’.
(76) Replaced ‘of table’ with ‘of the table’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘bolt holes’ with ‘bolt-holes’.
(78) Replaced ‘below but’ with ‘below, but’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(81) Replaced ‘wait, to’ with ‘wait to’.
(82) Added ‘Due to the magical powers of their maker, Shasarak, the Magdi have a natural resistance to magic and you must subtract 2 from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.’ as per Sections 61 and 123.
(83) Replaced ‘immobile as’ with ‘immobile, as’.
(86) Replaced ‘towards the Earth’ with ‘towards the earth’.
(87) Replaced ‘counter-charge’ with ‘countercharge’.
(90) Replaced ‘fire but’ with ‘fire, but’. Replaced ‘a cinder’ with ‘cinders’.
(91) Replaced ‘city fortress’ with ‘city-fortress’.
(95) Replaced ‘and as’ with ‘and, as’. Replaced ‘under water’ with ‘underwater’.
(96) Replaced ‘robe you’ with ‘robe, you’.
(97) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(102) Replaced ‘Sadly you’ with ‘Sadly, you’.
(103) Added ‘If you possess insufficient WILLPOWER points to use any of these powers, turn to 242.’.
(108) Replaced ‘king.‘Either’ with ‘king. ‘Either’.
(111) Replaced ‘gift, so’ with ‘gift—so’. Replaced ‘the Earth’ with ‘the world’.
(113) Replaced ‘If you wish to attack the Kleasá with the Magical Power of Sorcery’ with ‘If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and with to use it to attack the Kleasá’ in the first choice. Added ‘ and wish to use them both against the Kleasá,’ in the second choice. Replaced ‘If you have the Black Rod of Shasarak and wish to use it’ with ‘If you wish to use the Black Rod of Shasarak’. Replaced ‘advance, it’ with ‘advance; it’.
(116) Replaced ‘combat turn’ with ‘combat, turn’.
(121) Replaced ‘half light’ with ‘half-light’.
(122) Replaced ‘If you have the Black Rod of Shasarak and wish to use it’ with ‘If you wish to use the Black Rod of Shasarak’.
(124) Replaced ‘forward, you’ with ‘forward. You’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(125) Replaced ‘Urik ‘Very’ with ‘Urik. ‘Very’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(126) Replaced ‘this power’ with ‘this Power’. Replaced ‘now, time’ with ‘now; time’. Replaced ‘Staff and’ with ‘Staff, and’.
(129) Replaced ‘sleep but’ with ‘sleep, but’.
(131) Replaced ‘this power’ with ‘this Power’.
(132) Replaced ‘however it’ with ‘however, it’.
(133) Replaced ‘farewill’ with ‘farewell’. Replaced ‘BIG’ with ‘big’. Replaced ‘the deadlands’ with ‘ ‘the dead lands’ ’. Replaced ‘all and’ with ‘all, and’. Replaced ‘A Short Sword’ with ‘Short Sword’. Replaced ‘A Backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘2 potions of Laumspur ’ with ‘2 Potions of Laumspur ’. Replaced ‘swallowing 1 potion’ with ‘swallowing one potion’. Replaced ‘A coil of Rope’ with ‘Coil of Rope’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Items’ with ‘items’.
(135) Replaced ‘exhausted you’ with ‘exhausted, you’.
(140) Replaced ‘asks’ with ‘asks.’. Replaced ‘out-sized’ with ‘outsized’. Replaced ‘shoulder:’ with ‘shoulder;’. Replaced ‘ears;’ with ‘ears:’. Replaced ‘long range’ with ‘long-range’.
(141) Switched the section numbers given for the two choices, to avoid unreasonable consequences of high ENDURANCE and WILLPOWER scores.
(143) Replaced ‘If you have the Black Rod of Shasarak and wish to use it’ with ‘If you wish to use the Black Rod of Shasarak’. Replaced ‘Astral plane’ with ‘Astral Plane’.
(145) Replaced ‘spell whispering’ with ‘spell, whispering’ in the caption for the illustration. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘some Azawood leaves’ with ‘an Azawood Leaf or a portion from a Bundle of Azawood Leaves’ as there is confusion over the number of Azawood Leaves a player might be carrying. In Grey Star the Wizard Section 183 you may buy ‘1 Bundle of dried Azawood Leaves (a base constituent that will charm up to 4 magical potions)’ from Madame Tarlas; however, in Section 216 of this book, you may ‘break off three of these leaves and place them in your Herb Pouch’.
(146) Replaced ‘7–12’ with ‘6–12’.
(149) Replaced ‘Kiro will’ with ‘Kiro, will’. Replaced ‘eyebow’ with ‘eyebrow’. Replaced ‘trader’s city’ with ‘traders’ city’.
(151) Replaced ‘and as’ with ‘and, as’. Replaced ‘you, then’ with ‘you, and then’.
(153) Made the choice leading to Section 27 its own paragraph to better fit our format for the choices.
(157) Replaced ‘the air,’ with ‘the air.’. Replaced ‘say, ‘feed’ with ‘say. ‘Feed’.
(158) Replaced ‘women and’ with ‘women, and’.
(159) Replaced ‘The mob surge forward’ with ‘The mob surges forward’.
(163) Replaced ‘swordman’ with ‘swordsman’.
(165) Replaced ‘this power’ with ‘this Power’.
(168) Replaced ‘magical Power’ with ‘Magical Power’.
(170) Removed ‘ that lies within the chest’. Replaced ‘If you wish to take the Black Rod and use it to open the magic-locked door’ with ‘If you wish to use the Black Rod to open the magic-locked door’.
(171) Replaced ‘your Current’ with ‘your current’.
(173) Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘one Item’ with ‘one item’. Replaced ‘berries and’ with ‘berries, and’.
(174) Replaced ‘Magical power’ with ‘Magical Power’. Replaced ‘Astral plane’ with ‘Astral Plane’.
(175) Replaced ‘Prophecy, and’ with ‘Prophecy and’.
(180) Added ‘possess the Magical Power of Sorcery and ’ to the second choice.
(182) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(184) Changed the choice which led to Section 300 to lead to Section 302 instead. This section was unreachable in the original and fits well in the context of the story here.
(185) Replaced ‘out-run’ with ‘outrun’.
(186) Replaced ‘closely, After’ with ‘closely. After’.
(189) Replaced ‘right? he’ with ‘right?’ he’.
(191) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(192) Replaced ‘Shield of sorcery’ with ‘Shield of Sorcery’.
(194) Replaced ‘guagmire’ with ‘quagmire’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘north-west’ with ‘northwest’. Replaced ‘Gurlu Marsh’ with ‘Gurlu Marshes’. Replaced ‘shrubs, further’ with ‘shrubs, and further’.
(196) Replaced ‘giant. turn’ with ‘giant, turn’. Replaced ‘as if it was’ with ‘as if it were’.
(198) Replaced ‘magical Item’ with ‘magical item’. Replaced ‘good and ill-wills’ with ‘good and ill wills’.
(201) Replaced ‘power of Prophecy’ with ‘Power of Prophecy’.
(203) Replaced ‘escort look’ with ‘escort looks’.
(204) Replaced ‘women and’ with ‘women, and’.
(207) Replaced ‘counter-attack’ with ‘counterattack’.
(208) Replaced ‘lie in’ with ‘lies in’.
(210) Replaced ‘Fire and’ with ‘Fire, and’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Elemental plane’ with ‘Elemental Plane’.
(211) Replaced ‘Masbalé’ with ‘Masbaté’. Replaced ‘Lisson’ with ‘Lissan’. Replaced ‘Shadaki; riven’ with ‘Shadaki, riven’. Replaced ‘nation and’ with ‘nation, and’.
(212) Replaced each occurrence of ‘luneday’ with ‘Luneday’.
(213) Replaced ‘menacingly as’ with ‘menacingly, as’. Replaced ‘tremble, it’ with ‘tremble—it’.
(214) Replaced ‘mountains of Morn’ with ‘Mountains of Morn’. Replaced ‘If you have no more food in your Backpack and want to gather supplies before going any further’ with ‘If you do not have enough food in your Backpack to complete your quest and want to gather supplies before going any further’. Replaced ‘If you have enough food to complete your quest’ with ‘If you have enough food’.
(215) Changed the choice to use Psychomancy to lead to Section 170 rather than Section 224. Added ‘If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 224.’. Replaced ‘If you do not possess this skill’ with ‘If you do not possess either of these skills, or if you do not wish to use them’.
(216) Replaced ‘six’ with ‘eight’. Replaced ‘257’ with ‘257.’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Items’ with ‘items’.
(217) Replaced ‘the dead lands’ with ‘ ‘the dead lands’ ’.
(219) Replaced ‘12 to 14’ with ‘12–14’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(221) Replaced ‘Urik and’ with ‘Urik, and’.
(222) Replaced ‘high pitched’ with ‘high-pitched’. Replaced ‘Urik and’ with ‘Urik, and’.
(225) Replaced ‘Toa-tree’ with ‘toa tree’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(226) Replaced ‘Then suddenly a’ with ‘Then, suddenly, a’. Replaced ‘you broad’ with ‘you a broad’. Replaced ‘precision, causes’ with ‘precision causes’.
(227) Replaced ‘Astral plane’ with ‘Astral Plane’.
(229) Replaced ‘step back, such is’ with ‘step back: such is’. Replaced ‘Kleasá, using’ with ‘Kleasá using’.
(230) Replaced each occurrence of ‘your power’ with ‘your Power’. Replaced ‘Fire and’ with ‘Fire, and’. Replaced ‘Elemental plane’ with ‘Elemental Plane’.
(231) Replaced ‘side step’ with ‘sidestep’. Replaced ‘rags jumps’ with ‘rags, jumps’.
(233) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(234) Changed the third choice which led to Section 289 to lead to Section 146 instead. This section fits better in the context of the story as it goes into particulars about how Enchantment is actually used.
(235) Replaced ‘Waist deep’ with ‘Waist-deep’. Replaced ‘out-sized’ with ‘outsized’. Replaced ‘wizard’s Staff’ with ‘Wizard’s Staff’.
(237) Changed the choice to use Psychomancy to lead to Section 170 rather than Section 224. Added ‘If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 224.’. Replaced ‘If you do not possess this skill’ with ‘If you do not possess either of these skills, or if you do not wish to use them’.
(242) Replaced ‘shake, it’ with ‘shake; it’.
(247) Replaced ‘purple, he’ with ‘purple; he’. Made Urik’s quote from The Way of the Shianti a separate paragraph. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(249) Replaced ‘Toa tree’ with ‘toa tree’. Replaced ‘of the Earth’ with ‘of Magnamund’.
(250) Replaced ‘Kiro against’ with ‘Kiro, against’. Replaced ‘battle tonight, aid’ with ‘battle tonight; aid’. Replaced ‘or do’ with ‘or if you do’.
(253) Replaced ‘life force’ with ‘life-force’. Replaced ‘staff’ with ‘Staff’. Replaced ‘that your are’ with ‘that you are’.
(254) Replaced ‘fight you’ with ‘fight, you’. Replaced ‘completely turn’ with ‘completely, turn’.
(255) Replaced ‘Scree Wrym’ with ‘Scree Wyrm’. Replaced ‘death throes’ with ‘death-throes’.
(256) Replaced ‘Shazarak’ with ‘Shasarak’. Replaced ‘Elemental plane’ with ‘Elemental Plane’.
(257) Replaced ‘day’, dawn’ with ‘day’ dawn’. Replaced ‘tail, enable’ with ‘tail enable’. Replaced ‘by a poisonous’ with ‘by poisonous’. Replaced ‘end of vine’ with ‘end of the vine’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘Gurlu Swamplands’ with ‘Gurlu swamplands’.
(258) Replaced ‘Wizard’s staff’ with ‘Wizard’s Staff’. Made the last sentence a separate paragraph.
(260) Replaced ‘you, however’ with ‘you; however’.
(265) Replaced ‘Evocation, and’ with ‘Evocation and’. Replaced ‘or do’ with ‘or if you do’.
(266) Replaced ‘The Mind Gem may be placed in your Backpack where it will count as a Backpack Item, or it can be worn around your neck.’ with ‘The Mind Gem is worn around your neck.’, in order to avoid rules ambiguities.
(267) Replaced ‘near.’ he’ with ‘near,’ he’. Replaced ‘east and’ with ‘east, and’.
(268) Replaced ‘Random Number table’ with ‘Random Number Table.’.
(269) Replaced ‘eyeless tormented’ with ‘eyeless, tormented’. Replaced ‘magical Power’ with ‘Magical Power’.
(272) Replaced ‘say ‘I’ with ‘say. ‘I’. Replaced ‘If you have the Black Rod and wish to use it’ with ‘If you wish to use the Black Rod’. Replaced ‘shadow. A’ with ‘shadow—a’. Replaced ‘Mind Gem and’ with ‘Mind Gem, and’.
(273) Replaced ‘for 4 rounds or more, turn to 182’ with ‘more than 3 rounds, do not continue with the combat but turn immediately to 182’.
(274) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(275) Replaced ‘guards falls’ with ‘guards fall’. Replaced ‘Urik and’ with ‘Urik, and’. Replaced ‘women and’ with ‘women, and’.
(276) Replaced ‘ ‘Stranger’ he’ with ‘ ‘Stranger,’ he’.
(279) Replaced ‘Astral plane’ with ‘Astral Plane’.
(280) Replaced ‘Kazim stone’ with ‘Kazim Stone’.
(284) Changed the choice which led to Section 300 to lead to Section 302 instead. This section was unreachable in the original and fits well in the context of the story here.
(286) Replaced ‘Sado, ‘Charge’ with ‘Sado. ‘Charge’.
(287) Replaced ‘counter-attack’ with ‘counterattack’.
(288) Changed the choice to use Psychomancy to lead to Section 170 rather than Section 224. Added ‘If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 224.’. Replaced ‘If you do not possess this skill, or do not wish to use it’ with ‘If you do not possess either of these skills, or if you do not wish to use them’.
(289) Replaced ‘power of Enchantment’ with ‘Power of Enchantment’.
(290) Replaced ‘Huminoid’ with ‘Humanoid’. Replaced ‘Wind and’ with ‘Wind, and’. Replaced ‘Elemental plane’ with ‘Elemental Plane’.
(291) Replaced ‘Magical power’ with ‘Magical Power’.
(292) Replaced ‘the Jewel’ with ‘the jewel’. Changed the third choice which led to Section 208 to lead to Section 234 instead. Section 208 is clearly inappropriate, and this change was made in some editions of the book. Replaced ‘Astral plane’ with ‘Astral Plane’.
(293) Replaced ‘Elemental plane’ with ‘Elemental Plane’.
(294) Replaced ‘its starting’ with ‘it’s starting’.
(295) Replaced ‘hesitates, then’ with ‘hesitates, and then’.
(297) Replaced ‘breath, then’ with ‘breath; then’. Replaced ‘side, then’ with ‘side, and then’.
(298) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(299) Replaced ‘Azawood leaves’ with ‘Azawood leaf’. Replaced ‘You have two Azawood leaves remaining.’ with ‘You have used one Azawood leaf.’, as you did not necessarily have three leaves to begin with.
(303) Replaced ‘staff’ with ‘Staff’.
(305) Removed ‘ or keep it in your Backpack where it will count as a Backpack Item’, in order to avoid rules ambiguities.
(307) Replaced each occurrence of ‘staff’ with ‘Staff’. Replaced ‘Samu, ‘I’ve’ with ‘Samu. ‘I’ve’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(309) Replaced ‘elementals’ with ‘Elementals’. Replaced ‘Elemental plane’ with ‘Elemental Plane’.
(310) Replaced ‘Beyond The Shadow Gate’ with ‘Beyond the Nightmare Gate’. Replaced ‘series entitled’ with ‘series, entitled’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(Map) Added label ‘Dagorlan’ to the nameless village in harmony with recent maps of Magnamund.
(Combat Rules Summary) Added a fourth step ‘Pick a number from the Random Number Table.’ in the first step list. Replaced ‘of chart’ with ‘of the chart’. Replaced ‘to random’ with ‘to the random’. Replaced ‘to 0’ with ‘0 or below’. Replaced ‘to Combat’ with ‘to the Combat’. Replaced ‘cross reference’ with ‘cross-reference’.